Benjamin Moore Presents the Designer Dinner with Special Guests Aerin Lauder and Mark Sikes

Benjamin Moore Presents the Designer Dinner

with Special Guests Aerin Lauder and Mark Sikes


Aerin Lauder and Mark Sikes


Please join PaperCity and Benjamin Moore for the Round Top Designer Dinner, a Blue and White Night created by
A Fare Extraordinaire, honoring Aerin Lauder and Mark Sikes.


March 24, 2025 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM


The Halles, 1465 N SH 237, Round Top, TX

 Please contact [email protected] for vegetartian requests or other dietary restrictions.
Please purchase tickets for 2 or more in one transaction to ensure your group is seated togehter. All purchases are final.

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Total Price:
$225.00 Sales Tax included.

By purchasing a ticket, you agree to give permission to have your image used in photos and videos, including but not limited to PaperCity, Round Top Publishers.

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